The virus is still circulating and messing with travel plans

We know what a bummer it is when you or a loved one gets COVID-19 just as you're about to travel, or when you're already on your trip – especially if it's a severe case. That's why we've included COVID-19 coverage as standard in our Explorer Plan.

Freely COVID-19 cover

Though COVID-19 as a global health emergency is over, the virus is continuing to disrupt travel plans. Coverage for the virus and its impacts is provided in our Explorer Plan, and here are some of the benefits.

What we cover
What we don't cover

Pre-departure cancellation

If you or your travel companion are diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to departure, we will provide coverage up to $5,000 for our Overseas Explorer Plan and up to $2,500 for our Domestic Explorer Plan.

Illness or hospitalisation

If you fall ill with COVID-19 overseas and require medical assistance and treatment, we can provide coverage.

Quarantine while travelling

If you fall ill with COVID-19 overseas and a doctor confirms in writing that you are unfit to travel or you are individually contacted by a local public health authority and directed into a period of quarantine, you can claim cancellation and amendment costs incurred (limits apply).

Need to return home

If you are hospitalised with COVID-19 overseas and need to be repatriated, we may be able to help pay your costs.

Death while travelling

If you die during the period of insurance, we may pay the reasonable overseas funeral or cremation expenses, or the cost of returning your remains to Australia.

If someone back home gets very unwell

If a relative or your business partner back in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand gets COVID-19 and you need to amend or cancel your journey because their level of infection is life threatening, we can help you cover some of your costs.

Border closures

When you incur expenses as a result of a government authority imposing closure orders on cross-area, -border, -region or -territory travel, you will not be covered.

Places we're not allowed

If a country has 'Do not travel' advice on the Australian Government's Smart Traveller website and one of the reasons for the advice is COVID-19, you will not be covered for COVID-19-related claims made there.

Mandatory quarantine

When you incur expenses as a result of a government authority imposing quarantine or isolation orders on cross-area, -border, -region or -territory travel, you will not be covered.

Limits, sub-limits, conditions and exclusions apply. There’s a lot of detail to unpack in the above, so refer to and read the Combined FSG/PDS for more information. To learn about the Target Market for this product, you can read our TMD.

Take us with you for a safer way to explore!

Why Freely?

Only pay for the extra coverage you need on the days you actually need it.

Update your policy on your trip so you can embrace travel spontaneity.

Get 24/7 support in-app with access to our medical and emergency specialists.

Giving back to people, places and the planet

Still got questions?

Does Freely over COVID-19 cover?
Medical: What's covered and what's not covered?
Cancellations: What's covered and what's not covered?
Additional Expenses: What's covered and what's not covered?
Cruising: What's covered and what's not covered?